Insulated Roof Farrowing Hut
Our Insulated Roof Farrowing Huts are available at 9’0” wide with an internal height of 3’6”.
As standard our Insulated Roof Farrowing Huts come with:
- A double corrugated steel roof, the cavity is filled with a layer of 60mm insulation. The heavy duty steel is carefully folded to ensure all edges are soft for safety.
- Our unique Radial Door which is a permanent fixture on the hut front and operational even with the Fender attached. It can be adjusted from inside the hut which ensures safe and efficient daily checks and easy weaning of piglets. It has vent holes which ensures air flow to maximise Sow comfort, especially in hot weather. All these factors have proved this to be one of the best doors on the market.
- A 5” front step to encourage very young piglets to remain within the hut whilst limiting straw loss.
- Kit-form Square Lifting Loop.
The lengths we offer 9’0” wide Insulated Roof Farrowing Huts in are as follows:
- 5’6”
- 6’0″
- 6’6”
- 7’0”
The 6’6” and 7’0” size Huts are becoming increasingly popular due to growing litter numbers.
In order to create a product tailored to your individual needs we provide variations on our standard equipment. These options are detailed below.
Additional Options
High Step
It is possible to increase the size of the step on the Insulated Roof Farrowing Huts doorway to 7” – the extra 2” ensures young piglets remain within the hut until they have reached an adequate age and/or size.
Curtain Rail
We can supply curtain rails with anti-luce fixing systems to reduce drafts while keeping an accessible doorway. If curtains are already owned, steel work only can be supplied. This curtain material is as used in factory doorways allowing forklift access.
Plywood Door
If our standard Radial door is not required, a plywood sheet can be slotted in place with the use of pre-fabricated angle brackets fitted to either side of the door frame. This ensures stockmen remain safe if a sow is overly protective of her young during daily checks or weaning. This, however is not operable from inside the hut.
Bolt on Lifting Loop
We can supply 5mm bolt on lifting loops as a more cost-effective alternative to Square Lifting Loops (which come as standard). These are only suitable for chain and/or hook lifting thus requiring additional labour.
Lifting Bar
Alternatively we can supply a roof bar which is suitable for use with forklift tines. Stretching the full length of the hut, it is made from tube and can be painted or galvanised.